
Top Tools Every Laravel Developer Must Have

Jul 01, 2022 |

10 minutes read

Top Tools Every Laravel

Laravel is a renowned PHP framework that may be utilized for a wide range of projects. You may build any size of site, big or tiny, with a contemporary touch using it. Users may build diverse web applications, such as monitoring tools, social networks, and password management systems, using it as a flexible framework that supports various programming languages.

Laravel makes it easier for developers to work because of its capability to utilize ready-to-use features such as user authentication, session management, routing, and caching. Laravel development is now a popular choice for many businesses because of its wide benefits top tools.

Reasons to Choose the Laravel Framework:

Here are some of the factors that have contributed to Laravel’s success:

Better Security: SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripting are all covered by Laravel.

MVC Support: Laravel provides built-in support for the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

Easy to Use: Laravel is designed for people who may not be developers or have any technical background. Laravel is incredibly easy to learn and use, making it ideal for beginners as well.

Flexible: Laravel is highly flexible and provides various configuration options. Laravel also supports multiple databases, including MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.

Extensible: Laravel is extremely extensible and provides a wide range of features that can be added to Laravel applications. Several Laravel plugins may be used to expand the functionality of Laravel apps.

Best Tools for Laravel Development

The open source code Laravel used tools Framework is designed for use in creating small company websites to large businesses, and enterprises.  Because of this, both new and experienced developers need to create a toolbox to help them complete their projects quickly.

A Laravel development company will need to have the following Laravel development tools in their Laravel development toolbox:


PHPStorm is the IDE that works best with the Laravel framework. PHPStorm runs well, providing smart code navigation, fast and safe refactoring, simple debugging, and unit testing. It’s also a decent PHP code formatter.

While saving time at debugging codes, understanding how to program is critical to becoming a successful developer. For its excellent performance, many developers choose PHPStorm.

2. Bitbucket

GitHub and BitBucket are the two most popular Git services. They both provide the same functions, yet there are some differences. For instance, you should use BitBucket if you’re working on a Laravel-based project for a tiny business.

BitBucket is a good option for people who have a limited number of collaborators and need private repositories. The different plans all give you unlimited access to private repositories but only allow five collaborators on the free plan. However, GitHub is a better choice for people working on open source projects because it provides an unlimited number of collaborators.

The source code is simple to pull and push, and it automatically combines the code with modifications and timestamps.

3. Laravel Ecosystem

For backend operations, this is the most helpful Laravel development tool. Laravel has a wide range of capabilities and advanced features, such as encryption, BCrypt, and others.

4. Laravel Documentation

The unique feature of Laravel is its documentation, which allows you to understand the technology thoroughly. In a nutshell, Laravel documentation can help you learn a wide range of topics in-depth, even if other sources aren’t capable.

So, if you want to increase your skill with Laravel or any other PHP technology, don’t stick to just any tutorial or course site. Do spend some time looking at more things to broaden your viewpoint.

5. User Verification

Most contemporary web applications require a verification procedure to secure access. To use the application, the user must go through the Laravel user verification procedure. It offers standard authentication methods such as email and password. The verification link is delivered to the user via their confirmed email address.

6. Laravel Debugbar

Laravel shines when it comes to application debugging. Laravel’s debugbar is to blame for all of this. It provides information on the debug mode when you click it at the bottom of the browser. In the queries tab of the debugger, you may see how many queries have been fired.

The template’s output and passed parameters are displayed. The developer can also see that the Façade option for adding messages will be available under this debugger’s ‘Message’ tab.

7. Entrust

Laravel Entrust is a role-based security mechanism. Role, Role User, Permissions, and Permission are the four new tables. At different degrees of categorization, the tasks might be allocated.

8. Laravel Forge

Laravel Forge is a PHP server automation Laravel tool that may be used to set up your web application for deployment. Security by default, database backups that install SSL certificates in seconds, Easily set up required SSH keys, Free SSL Certificates, and so on are just a few of its noteworthy features.

9. Laravel Backup

Larvel web development service providers rely on Laravel Backup for their job. It also makes secure copies of all the application’s files. The files are organized in directories inside a Zip file that holds your project’s files. The ability to store backup on any file system is undoubtedly one of the greatest features.

10. Laravel Vapor

What exactly is vapor? It’s a cloud-based, auto-scaling, serverless deployment platform for the finest PHP framework. Serverless scalability and simplicity would be attractive to any Laravel development company.

With Laravel vapor, you may scale your app’s infrastructure using environment variables and secrets for zero-downtime deployments and rollbacks. Environment variable/secret management, database administration, Redis cache administration, automatic asset uploads, custom application domains, and DNS management, are all features included.

11. Laravel Tinker

The PHP framework comes with a Tinker console that many Laravel developers are unaware of. From the command line, this console allows you to interface with your Laravel application. With Tinker, you may easily access all of the events and objects, which is usually done via a command line. This extra feature may be employed for fast prototyping and code samples.

12. Socialite

Laravel Socialite makes it easy to implement OAuth authentication more effectively. Users may log in using social networking sites including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, and Bitbucket. This is one of the most popular Laravel features found in almost every Laravel application.


There are many at offer Laravel Development Services. The most popular tools used by these companies have been listed above. As a Laravel Developer, you must be familiar with all of these Laravel source code tools to create high-quality web applications.

Based on your project’s needs, you can select from the best options. When performing basic and other frequent tasks more quickly with excellent results, these technologies will be beneficial.

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    Jinal Shah

    Jinal Shah is the Managing Director of iFlair Web Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and has been leading the company since 2004. With over 25 years of experience in driving business growth and establishing new business directions, Jinal Shah has successfully supported organizations from startups to Fortune 500 companies. He is dedicated to sharing insights on emerging technologies and industry trends, offering thought leadership on various platforms.


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