
About Insurance4U

Insurance4U started in 2022, it aims to provide one-stop solutions for financial advisors and valuable services for their clients.It is specialized in insurance and mutual funds, simplifying complex financial challenges for the valuable customer journey.

If the customer is struggling with managing finances, deciding where to invest, or just figuring out where to start, Insurance4U is here to guide you every step of your journey.

Think Insurance4U as your strategic partner, guiding you through financial decisions with expert insights based on our extensive experience. It also offers a range of services including insurance, mutual funds, bonds, equities, demat transfers, retirement planning, and asset allocation.

Whether people are just starting out or looking to optimize their investments, Insurance4U is here to help make financial journeys smoother and more successful.

Issues faced by Insurance4U

Issues faced by Insurance4U

User Experience

Real time processing


Customized reports

Premium calendar

Dynamic calculations

Our Approach

Insurance4U had sent the requirements. To create the solution our team focused on analyzing the issues.After finalizing the solution they gave more input to the solution and finalized the solution with the stakeholders.

The inputs which was given by Insurance4U was

  • Updates and notifications to their valuable customers
  • Smooth customer experience for the portal
Our Approach
Our Approach

The challenge

Dynamic calculation

Report generation

Data integration

Regular premium updates and notifications

Track of Family information

Investment Tracker

SWOT Analysis


Customized solutions

Customer service

Fast Query resolver


Limited brand recognition

Technological dependencies

Limited brand recognition


Offer new products


Customer education


Risk on sensitive customer information

Rising customer expectations

New tech can disrupt Insurance sector

Strategic solutions

  • Analytics and Reporting
    • Implemented customized dashboard for multiple users, admin, super admin, associate and customers. Implemented reports on tabular format and chart representation
    • Download reports in excel file or in pdf file.
  • Investment tracker
    • Premium calendars for displaying family data monthly
    • Total sum insured across policies per family.
    • Maturity values of policies per individual.
  • Automated workflows
    • Reducing manual efforts on calculating the dynamic calculation. Sending renewal notifications to the users on time.
  • Dynamic calculation
    • Maturity price, number of premium pending, total premium paid by the user and premium price based on information provided by the clients
  • Personalized communication
    • Sending automated renewal notifications for premiums and also sending the new offers and updates for valuable customers

Project Screenshots

Issues faced by Insurance4U
Family Policy Insurance
Issues faced by Insurance4U
Our Approach
Policy List

Results achieved

Improved customer satisfaction

  • User feedback helped them and they were satisfied with their services and quick response.

Operational efficiency

  • Low operational cost and capacity to handle more customers at a time using this portal.

Managing client information

  • Customer data is easily maintained.

Automated notification

  • Automatic notification via SMS for premium due is sent to the customer which is set by the backend team.

Technologies used













Mtalkz (SMS integration)

Mtalkz (SMS integration)


Global Footprints

Served clients across the globe from38+ countries